Supplying heating oil to East Anglia and South East England

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Posted: 31/01/2023

Nominations are open for Goff Good Causes

Nominations are open for Goff Good Causes

We're proud to support local charities and good causes by providing them with a chance to win free heating oil!

Our regular prize draws are open to all good causes and once you have entered you will go into all future draws.

If you are one of our lucky winners, you can choose how you claim your prize of 500 litres of heating oil.

If you use oil in one of your buildings, then we can happily deliver this straight to you. Otherwise it can make a great prize for your next charitable auction.

We've delivered thousands of litres of oil over the last few years and winners have included Youth Clubs, Village Halls, Animal rescue centres, Hospices and Churches. 

If you are, or know of, a good cause that would like to win some free heating oil, please sign up on our charity page.

It's quick and easy.