Brent Crude Dated ($ per Barrel)
Price at Start of Month: $49.65 Price at End of Month: $49.21
Highest Price in Month: $53.58 Lowest Price in Month: $46.94
Pound £ to US Dollar Rate $ Exchange Rate FT:
Start of Month: 1.293 End of Month: 1.291
Kerosene (Heating Oil) Cargo Price $ per tonne
Start of Month: $479.50 End of Month: $479.50
Highest Price in Month: $513.25 Lowest Price in Month: $458.00
Resulting in a Heating Oil Price (Pence Per Litre) Monthly range: 3.34 ppl
Interesting Articles on the oil price this month
9th May 17 Oil Market sentiment turns bearish
4th May 17 Why are the oil markets crashing
15th May The Telegraph: Oil Prices bounce higher
31st May 17 Stars align against crude oil prices as $50 comes under threat
Oil Market commentary & Market Data available from: