Weather Type |
Reading |
Diff from Monthly Average |
Average Mean Temperature |
4.8°C |
-0.4°C |
Average Daytime Temperature |
6.8°C |
-0.8°C |
Average Night time Temperature |
2.1°C |
+0.1°C |
No of Air Frosts |
11 |
+2 |
No of Ground Frosts |
18 |
+2 |
No of Days where snow fell |
2 |
-2 |
Sunshine Duration |
72 hours |
+23 hours |
Rainfall |
106 mm |
+47mm |
Average Soil Temperature (Depth of 30cm) |
5.9°C |
-0.1°C |
Observers notes:
2 cold spells in the middle and the end of the month bringing a higher than average number of frosts. No laying snow recorded at my location despite snow falling. A very sunny month but also a very wet end of the month with 60% of the month’s rainfall arriving between Christmas Day and New Year’s Eve.