Supplying heating oil to East Anglia and South East England

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Posted: 20/12/2022

£200 Alternative Fuel Payment time frame set

£200 Alternative Fuel Payment time frame set

The alternative fuel payment, which will give £200 to households that don't use mains gas, will be made in February 2023 according to the latest information from the Government. These payments will be made via electricity suppliers alongside the Electricity Bills Support Scheme Payments.

For the vast majority of heating oil customers who have an electricity account no action is required, and the payment will be made automatically. For those customers without an electricity account and other exceptions, they will be able to apply through a governmental portal in February, once we know more, we shall share this information.


We would recommend that customers continue to purchase heating oil as normal over the coming months and keep one eye on your oil levels over the winter period, so you don’t run out. We would advise ordering your heating oil when you have ¼ of a tank left.


To read the governments article in full click here